1915 – 1920

  • Junior Service founded by 12 women with an idea to service the community.
  • Canton Day Nursery incorporated.
  • Constitution adopted.
  • First Christmas Seal sale in Canton. Junior Service continued this activity until 1961.
  • “Fancies” musical revue was held.

1920 – 1929

  • “Fads and Fancies,” musical revue was held.
  • Fresh air camp opened for under nourished children started and continued until 1933.
  • New constitution adopted, providing a provisional course for all new members.
  • Braille transcribing became new activity.

1930 – 1940

  • Full-time T.B. nurse employed – the only one in Canton.
  • Incorporated and became Junior Service, Inc.
  • Established circulating libraries at Mercy and Aultman hospitals.
  • Applied to AJLA ruled eligible to make application. Great credit to Elizabeth Week Zollars.
  • Preliminary AJLA inspection. Received a favorable vote.
  • Abrogated constitution and adopted one adapted from Junior League requirements.
  • “Junior Service Follies” was held.
  • Education department established, radio program put on, project committee formed.
  • Application to AJLA accepted February 16th. Became The Junior League of Canton.
  • Hospital hostess work started.
  • Children’s Bureau Round Table established.
  • “Heidi” was trouped to 5 schools.
  • “Better Reading for Children” Radio Series was project.
  • Tumor Clinic established at Aultman Hospital.

1941 – 1950

  • Emergency services CDVA set up.
  • Joined with Children’s Mission to give building to Philamatheon Society.
  • News Sheet was started.
  • Public Health Nurses’ Car Service started.
  • Plans made for volunteer service at Aultman Hospital in case of war emergency.
  • Radio serial “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” awarded first prize by Institute for Education by Radio.
  • McKinley Monument Landscape Project.
  • League took charge of all volunteer service for Aultman Hospital, which was expanded to embrace entire community.
  • Red Cross, Jay Teen and Town Chatter supported.
  • Sustaining group organized Arts for Youth project.
  • Hospitality Shop at Aultman set up (turned over to hospital in 1946).
  • Red Cross War Fund and Jay Teens supported.
  • Supported Jay Teens and Canton Art Institute.
  • League Life replaced News Sheet.
  • Hobby Show program over radio.
  • Supported Art Institute.
  • Initiated Woman of the Year Award.
  • Canton Art Institute (Tours and Service).
  • Service to the Leader Dog League.
  • Held first Bazaar with a new profit of $3,732.85.
  • Mercy Hospital project.
  • Bazaar was held.
  • Directed Girl Scouts in a 13-week radio program.
  • Sponsored first production of the Junior Symphony.
  • Supported YWCA building fund, Players Guild, Golden Age Club, Special Classes, Cancer Society, and Stark County Guidance Clinic.
  • “Follies of 1950”, net profit $8,465.19.
  • Stark County Guidance Foundation and the YWCA Building Fund were projects.
  • Canton Day Nursery liquidated for $5,257.00.

1951 – 1960

  • Timken Mercy Snack Bar opened (turned to another group in 1953).
  • Membership in Ohio State Legislative Committee first “Tag Day” to encourage voter registration.
  • Transcription machine given to McKinley High School.
  • Supported Girl Scouts.
  • Clubroom at Art Institute opened.
  • Puppet Committee organized.
  • Supported United Youth Fund, Amerman Workshop for Blind, and Stark County Guidance Foundation.
  • Children’s Theater presented plays from Grace Price Productions.
  • Funded $2,899.48 show wagon for City Recreation Department.
  • Puppet Committee organized wagons for shows at city playgrounds.
  • “Follies of 1953” net profit of $11,063.66.
  • The Stark County Guidance Center and the Society for Retarded Children were supported.
  • Canton Children’s Theater joint project with Players’ Guild.
  • Audiometer Orthorater purchased.
  • Birthday parties monthly for children at Fairmount Children’s Home (terminated in 1958).
  • Aultman Hospital Book Cart in cooperation with the Canton Public Library (discontinued in 1957).
  • Puppets, Jingles and Lucifer adopted as League mascots.
  • Scholastic Achievement Award Luncheon started.
  • Junior Theater Workshop started (1958 Players Guild took over responsibility of this project).
  • Cookbook “A Matter of Taste” published.
  • City Hall Student Tours started.
  • Furnished Activities Room for new Detention Home.
  • Youth Concert sponsored in cooperation with Canton Symphony Orchestra.
  • Mother Goose Land Exhibit.
  • Senior Recreational Program Inc. started. Supported with donations through 1967.
  • “Follies of 1956” net profit $10,236.98.
  • Dancing Assembly Inaugurated.
  • Purchased Jay Teen recreation equipment.
  • Citation from the National Recreation Association for Senior Program and the Show Wagon Silverware to YMCA Camp.
  • Leiter International Performance Scale to Rehabilitation Center.
  • Docent Program at Canton Art Institute started.
  • First Collegiate Basketball Tournament held.
  • Voted one-year terms for Board with the exception of the Treasurer.
  • United Fund Gold Key Award received.

1961 – 1970

  • Collegiate Basketball Tournament held (discontinued in 1962).
  • Celebrated 25th Anniversary with a Silver Ball in April.
  • Stark County Historical Society Planetarium Dome and Commemoration.
  • Film purchase for Stark County Mental Health Association Revision of Teen Age Code.
  • Formation of Sustainers with Fritzie Miller, Chairman, assisted by Elizabeth Scott.
  • Received Gold Key Award by United Fund.
  • Membership in The Junior League of Stark County had grown from 67 to 355.
  • Received first Senior Citizens’ Program “Community Service Award”.
  • City Hall tours for seventh graders.
  • Visit of AJLA consultant on education, Miss Kathryn Oliphant.
  • Coordinated style show for Football Hall of Fame.
  • Distributed pamphlets “Careful Twins” to county schools.
  • First Boutique de Noel held.
  • First year of volunteer service to the Stark County Historical Center.
  • Revision of provisional course geared to year round training.
  • Visit by Mrs. John Tyler, Regional Director.
  • City Hall tours for seventh graders.
  • Sustainer representative added to Board.
  • Established Pre School Enrichment Program for culturally deprived children. Donated $12,000.
  • Stark County Historical Center hired an Educational Director. Donated $11,000.
  • TONIC (The Old and New in Canton) tours were taken by all actives to re acquaint them with the community.
  • Hired part time secretary to work one day a week in League room.
  • Approved gift of furnishings for new TB Association Building.
  • Received Canton Professional Educator’s Layman’s Award for continued interest and support of the public schools.
  • Voted to terminate Youth Concert and Scholastic Achievement Luncheon following this year’s events.
  • Started Pediatric Craft Program at Aultman Hospital.
  • First Spring Dinner and Auction.
  • $500.00 Scholarship to Family Service.
  • $100.00 for books for Canton Urban League’s Each One Teach One.
  • 30th Anniversary year.
  • Received the YMCA award for our Senior Citizen’s Program.
  • Received an award from the Ohio State Historical Society for service to the Stark County Historical Center.
  • Visit of AJLA consultants, Mrs. Joseph Connolly and Dot Swinburne.
  • Co sponsored the Hall of Fame Style Show.
  • Hosted the Spring State Public Affairs Conference.
  • Pre school Enrichment Program was supported.
  • Planetarium projectors purchased for the Stark County Historical Center Planetarium.
  • Supported Aultman Hospital Pediatrics Arts and Crafts project.
  • Received Gold Key Award for community volunteer service.
  • Donated $35.00 for the Northeast Y Kids Pilot Project.
  • Donated $500.00 for completion of the Family Service Scholarship.
  • President’s Ball held in November.
  • Relocated to new headquarters in the Stark County Historical Center.
  • Voted to establish a memorial fund to select books as a memorial for deceased members.
  • Charity Ball was held in the fall.
  • 6th Annual Boutique.
  • Completed Northeast Y-Kids Program.
  • Voted in Visual Aid and Project Committees.
  • $500.00 to Family Service.
  • Co sponsored Hall of Fame Style Show.
  • Voted to reprint cookbook.
  • Gold Key Award received.
  • Seventh Annual Christmas Boutique.
  • Charity Ball at Mayfair Country Club in spring of 1970.

1971 – 1980

  • Gold Key Award received.
  • 8th Annual Christmas Boutique (first time at Imperial House).
  • Puppet workshop sponsored.
  • Canton Art Institute’s 1001 Sales and Rental Gallery was opened.
  • Discontinued Charity Ball.
  • Cultural Center Dance organized by Executive Committee.
  • Ecology Committee established.
  • Canton Area Guide for the Handicapped initiated.
  • Purchased film “Drugs Are Like That”.
  • Ohio Historical Award won by League’s filmstrip “Free People at Work”.
  • Education Day held at Cultural Center.
  • $15,000 donated to establish Well Child Conference Wish United Fund.
  • 35th Anniversary year.
  • Gold Key Award received.
  • 9th Annual Christmas Boutique.
  • Regional Arts Workshop.
  • $5,000.00 donated to Shelter Drug Crisis Center.
  • AJLA name changed to AJL.
  • First joint meeting between Akron and Canton Leagues.
  • Goodwill Award for Handicapped Handbook.
  • Funnerday, Children’s Lecture and Demonstration Series.
  • Children’s Education Day “Drugs are Like That” and Ecology Puppet Show.
  • $1,050 donated to the Stark County Child Achievement Center for purchase of additional equipment.
  • Etcetera replaced League Life.
  • Sitter Service began.
  • Became member of Area Council II.
  • 10th Christmas Boutique.
  • “Community Involvement in the Arts” workshop held in conjunction with the Canton Art Institute.
  • Merry Makers Series presented.
  • Executive Coordinator position created.
  • Gold Key Award received.
  • Puppet Committee dissolved.
  • Hosted the State Public Affairs Conference.
  • Bylaw change to extend admission age to 36.
  • Headquarters relocated to 1123 Cleveland Ave. NW.
  • Revenue Sharing Seminar co sponsored with League of Women Voters and United Fund.
  • Joint Membership Meeting with Hadassah.
  • 11th Annual Christmas Boutique.
  • Donated $1,000 to Pathway House.
  • Participant in Impact, Spectrum and Facilitators Conferences.
  • Drug Film turned over to North Canton Junior Women’s Club.
  • Treasurer term changed to one year with automatic succession of Assistant Treasurer.
  • Jane Fawcett elected to Area Nominating Committee.
  • Established Tel Med Project with United Way Health Foundation and voted $12,000 to support it.
  • Established Task Force to Survey Juvenile Services.
  • Gold Key Award received.
  • Completed “Passport to Discovery” filmstrips for Canton City Schools.
  • Established Memorial Fund.
  • “Kaleidoscope History of Our League” slide series.
  • Held seminars in public speaking and funding.
  • 12th Annual Christmas Boutique.
  • Singled out by AJL as a “dynamic growth league”.
  • Co sponsored the research and publication of “The Architecture of Canton” with the Art Institute.
  • Held a recognition luncheon for foster parents.
  • Gold Key Award received for ninth time.
  • Public Affairs produced “Writing Your Legislators”.
  • Second Year Tel Med.
  • Audio Visual Committee assisted research and preparation for book “Architecture in Canton”.
  • Voted $5,000 a year for two years to initiate Pediatric Assessment Services at Goodwill Industries.
  • Donated $16,000 to establish Group Home.
  • 13th Annual Christmas Boutique, 4th Merry Makers, and Dancing Assembly added more than $20,000 to Community Trust Fund.
  • Gold Key Award received.
  • AJL training programs featured Association Management Process (AMP) and Career Development.
  • Career Development Seminars.
  • 14th Annual Christmas Boutique raised more than $22,000 for Community Trust Fund.
  • Pediatric Assessment Service continued support.
  • Final year for Tel Med.
  • Led to formation of Canton Preservation Society in spring.
  • Held exhibit with Art Institute, “Architecture in Federal America”.
  • Donated $1,500 to establish Community Information Center with members serving as planning consultants $800 to execute new edition of “Guide to Canton for the Handicapped”.
  • Sitter Service self sustaining.
  • 40th Anniversary year.
  • Donated $1,500 and assisted in development of the Community Information Exchange in cooperation with the Downtown Commission.
  • Supported opening of the Next Step, Inc.
  • Adopted – “Our Community Connection Women Volunteers” with the Repository and the Tri County Radio Reading Service as projects for the coming year.
  • Established a Community Advisory Board.
  • Raised $24,000 for the Community Trust Fund through the l5th Annual Christmas Boutique.
  • Held first combined Board Meeting with Youngstown and Akron Leagues.
  • Voted to spend $4,000 to publish a directory of nursing homes in Stark County.
  • Assisted the Tri County Radio Reading Service by purchasing equipment and providing volunteers.
  • Conducted a yearlong survey. “Our Community Connection Women Volunteers” with The Repository.
  • Developed audio visual techniques in presentations for committees and the Downtown Canton Association.
  • Added $27,000 to Community Trust Fund from the l6th Annual Christmas Boutique.
  • Gold Key Award received.
  • Developed three audio visual presentations for the community: Voluntary Action Center, Family Services and Aultman Hospital.
  • Added $27,400 to our Community Trust Fund from the 17th Annual Christmas Boutique.
  • Santa’s Village.
  • Community Resource Bank “People Plus”, $1,000; Education phase of Development of Hospice Concept $6,000; Development of a Docent Program for Historical Center; purchase and installation of Foucault Pendulum at $5,000, Historical Society Formed Downtown Revitalization Ad Hoc Study Committee.
  • Applied for grants for Hospice from five foundations.
  • Brought three different performances of children’s theatre “Merry Makers Series” to a total audience of 4,064.
  • Published our Guide to Stark County Nursing Homes (500 copies).
  • Established and used printed Volunteer Service Guidelines.
  • Moved into new headquarters at Stark County Public Library.
  • Offered Community Luncheon to 24 organizations to demonstrate our training programs.
  • Saluted Nancy McPeek as 1980 81 Area Council Chairman Director.

1980 – 1990

  • 14th Gold Key Award hosted Thank You Luncheon for Sustainers.
  • Prepared slide presentations for Next Step, Great Trail Girl Scout Council, YWCA, M.B. Shipley Health Care Clinic, and Visiting Nurse Society.
  • Continued participation in SPAC and Ohio Leagues for Public Education.
  • Voted to fund and support “Kids on the Block” for $4,000 and a Health Fair for $6,000 in cooperation with the United Way.
  • Evaluated and updated Nursing Home Booklet.
  • Developed and printed “People Plus”.
  • Developed Community Skills Bank for the city schools.
  • Cosponsored Downtown Revitalization Project with the Canton Preservation Society.
  • Purchased Foucault pendulum and prepared script and docent program for the McKinley Museum.
  • Held Hospice Symposium, helped purchase resource material and establish Board and incorporate Hospice of Stark County.
  • Established Foster Care Review Board.
  • Successfully nominated Monte Hammond for Bar Association’s Liberty Bell Award.
  • Held first Santa’s Village and realized a profit of $12,500.
  • Honored by Mayor’s Downtown Commissions and the Canton School Volunteer Corps.
  • Provisional Class raised funds and donated a commercial washing machine to the Battered Women’s Shelter and a storage cabinet to Junior League headquarters.
  • Revised Kaleidoscope prepared a slide presentation for the Canton Civic Ballet and assisted with the President’s Report.
  • Hosted Juliet Rowland, Area II Director and AJL Vice President Elect.
  • Initiated the Guardian Ad Litem Program.
  • Turned the Citizen Review Board over to the Courts.
  • Developed plan for a Community Needs Assessment, which was with the United Way of Central Stark County (our share was $7,500).
  • Sitter Service formed own corporation to operate with its own Board of Trustees and Bylaws.
  • Passed two projects: A Child Abuse Learning Resource Center and Public Relations campaign to promote the LRC with the Stark County District Library and Parents Anonymous for $2,450, and Because They Love Me and resource materials to be used cooperatively by Family Services and the Junior League for $1,000.
  • Recruited puppeteers, provided training, and scheduled the Kids on the Block into area schools.
  • Created weekend preschool classes at the McKinley Museum.
  • Provided $17,880 to the Community Trust Fund through Santa’s Village.
  • Trained a team in Grantsmanship and established a coalition with the Friends of the Library to establish a resource center.
  • Became a part of the Blood Assurance Program.
  • Continued Kids on the Block Project.
  • Established resource center on child abuse at the Library.
  • Showed the film “Because They Love Me” to several community groups.
  • Allocated money to establish Project LEAD, assist with Talent Care, and to print a Youth Volunteer Opportunity Booklet.
  • Established a Cookbook Corner.
  • Held third annual Santa’s Village.
  • Combined the Community Trust Fund and Administrative Fund.
  • Received Liberty Bell Award from the Stark County Bar Association.
  • Spearheaded Stark County effort for The Chemical People.
  • Realized more than $1000 profit from the Cookbook Corner.
  • Sponsored Project LEAD team with Canton South High School.
  • Began community board training program with Voluntary Action Center.
  • Raised over $27,000 at Santa’s Village.
  • Presented Pecos Bill for school children as part of Merry Makers series and realized profit.
  • Held Suburban Cowboy party for membership.
  • Published Volunteer Opportunities for Youth booklet.
  • Trained volunteers for Kids on the Block and turned project over to First Christian Church.
  • Began performances for senior citizens through Talent Care.
  • Had $7,500 for community needs assessment returned by United Way.
  • Continued Grantsmanship program with the Library and printed brochure explaining it.
  • Presented programs to membership on Amish life, decorating and a wilderness experience.
  • Benefited Amateur Hall of Fame, Special Olympics and Stark County Hunger Task Force through provisional project.
  • Instituted a “Think Tank” to take member input on League issues.
  • Began steps to grant honorary life membership to charter members to commemorate 50th anniversary.
  • Selected 4-year project focus area of Child Welfare.
  • Adopted 4 projects: to restore 3 Mother Goose Land exhibits; to expand Project LEAD to include 5 area high schools; to provide drama experiences for handicapped children with Players Guild; to establish a Mother Mentor project for teen mothers and study feasibility of a day care center.
  • Helped register voters for November election.
  • Moved Santa’s Village to McKinley Museum, adding Preview Party, Boutique and Country Kitchen, and Tree Auction, earning $25,326 for community projects.
  • Dressed used dolls to benefit Goodwill.
  • Participated in National Volunteer Week promotion with VAC, adding special recognition for teen volunteers.
  • Donated $1900 profit from “New York New York” provisional project to Shipley Center.
  • Presented “The Arkansaw Bear” as Merry Makers’ performance for 1400 area students and teachers.
  • Shared a Christmas luncheon at Mohican Manor and a May “Prom of Yesteryear” hosted by Special Events.
  • Received Bachelor’s Ball proceeds to benefit Project LEAD.
  • Approved a Christmas tree auction party as new major fundraiser.
  • Marketed Volunteer Opportunities for Youth Booklet and teen voluntarism in area high school newspapers and Repository.
  • Earned $444 from cookbook sales and produced plans for additional supplemental fundraisers.
  • Adopted 6 projects – Project LEAD, CASC Play Therapy Room, Mother Mentor Pilot Project (Phase 11), Video Tape Library, Day Care for Infants of High School students’ feasibility study and Child Advocacy Center feasibility study.
  • Future Planning committee assisted in writing the 1986 87 Goals and Objectives instead of the VP doing it all.
  • Gala of Trees profit $25,000.
  • Presented “Look to the Stars” as Merry Makers performance for 1350 area students and teachers.
  • “Sparkler Award” honored a member for outstanding service to a chairman, (not a board person).
  • Special Events lead a Kentucky Derby Party called “Run for the Roses”.
  • Theater Experience for the Handicapped “Special Class” held in July.
  • Fiftieth Anniversary year. Luncheon held during April. Anniversary history written and published.
  • Junior League Cookbook reprinted.
  • Child & Family Advocacy Center 50th Anniversary Gift to community of $50,000 for the creation of the Child & Family Advocacy Center.
  • Developed nondiscriminatory facilities resource bank.
  • Council system initiated.
  • 175 Sustainers attended Fall Sustainer Luncheon known as “Class Reunion”.
  • Play therapy room and tape library donated to Child & Adolescent Service Center.
  • Day care transportation funded for teen mothers through Canton Preschool and Stark County Child Care Coalition formed.
  • Published Adolescent Pregnancy Child Watch report.
  • Trained first class of Mother Mentors.
  • Produced “Special Class” with Player’s Guild.
  • Presented “Emperor’s New Clothes” in 2 performances of Merry Makers.
  • Gala of Trees nets $32,000, including $9000 profit from raffle of Arabian Horse – Ara Gislaine.
  • Received award from Ohio Attorney General Celebreeze for developing Child & Family Advocacy Center.
  • Received Bachelor Ball proceeds to benefit Community projects.
  • Provisional Project “Mardi Gras” nets $4000 to benefit Pegasus Farm.
  • Mother Mentor PSA win 3rd prize in AJL Annual PR Contest.
  • Training seminar offered to community on “Coping with Stress”.
  • Clambake was held.
  • Netted record breaking $36,000 from Holiday Gala
  • Adopted a family through Community Christmas.
  • Merry Makers “Rumpelstiltskin” plays to 2600 children.
  • Distributed 10,000 Teen Help Cards to area schools.
  • Parents Anonymous takes over Mother Mentor with aid of JLSC matching Grant.
  • PhoneFriend gets average of 52 calls per day.
  • Project LEAD turned over to 5 area schools.
  • League receives outstanding Public Service Award from Prosecutor’s Office for second consecutive year.
  • APCW featured in “Junior League Review” and chosen as model program for Annual Conference.
  • Received Certificate of Appreciation from Red Cross.
  • Participated in Project HOPE.
  • Project Brochure for Mother Mentor produced.
  • Provisional Project “An Evening in Paris” nets $3000 for the Margaret B. Shipley Clinic.
  • $5000 Grant received from McInnis Foundation for Mother Goose Land.
  • $2000 contribution from Pan-Hellenic for PhoneFriend Project.
  • Built and supervised the Playground at Pegasus Farm.
  • Presented “Charlotte’s Web” at the Palace.
  • Raised $62,000 at Holiday Gala.
  • Introduced Children’s Holiday for federally funded preschools.
  • Adopted families through Community Christmas.
  • Published the Women’s History Month Community Calendar.
  • Conducted “Whole Mind, Whole Body” and Advanced Individual Training. Decorated the Playroom at the Battered Women’s Shelter as the Provisional Service Project.
  • Continued PhoneFriend with the Red Cross.
  • Printed 2000 pamphlets on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Chaired the Stark County Child Care Coalition.
  • Participated in “Get Acquainted with Canton Night”.
  • Washington Improvisational Teen Theater held 5 performances.
  • AIM presented “Train the Trainer”, “The Taming of the Crew,” “How to be a Mover and a Shaker,” and “Now That We’ve Got It, How do We Flaunt It” Seminars.
  • Merry Makers presented “Li’l Red”.
  • Children’s Holiday held with popular evening session for JLSC families.
  • Holiday Gala was a success with $60,000 profit.
  • Public Affairs Committee held Environmental Forum at Stark Tech.
  • Grief Education and Support Program Held Seminars.
  • Solicited Items for the Homeless Shelter Supplies Project.
  • Held Roses and Ribbons Mother/Daughter Friendship Luncheon.
  • Conducted Membership Diversification Awareness Day.
  • Adopted families through Community Christmas.
  • Helped underwrite the Women’s History Month Community Calendar.
  • Provisional Class conducted a Day of Independent Living Skills for Young Adults.
  • Grant obtained for the Battered Women’s Shelter.

1990 – 2000

  • Participated in “Get Acquainted with Canton Night”.
  • Honored Bev Girard, Executive Secretary for 20 years, at a Retirement Party.
  • Holiday Gala was a huge success with $70,000 profit.
  • Participated in Community Christmas.
  • Enjoyed a Festive Mother Daughter Friendship Luncheon.
  • Supported 5 successful Projects: Woman to Woman, Grief Education, Teens Plus, Family Friends and Family Legal Services.
  • Conducted our first ever AJLI Sponsored Child Immunization Public Awareness Campaign, Public Relations diligently worked on our first Annual Report and new look for the 90’s.
  • Merry Makers presented “Alice in Wonderland”.
  • Awarded our first Mini-Grant to Lathrop School for the Implementation of a Collaborative Language Development Program.
  • The Provisionals “Quest Recovery House” project was very beneficial.
  • Revamped Blood Program.
  • Holiday Gala very successful, generated $70,000.
  • Children’s Holiday 1300 federally funded preschoolers.
  • Held 1st Family Service Day painting the YWCA Child Care Area.
  • Passed new Education Position Statement.
  • PLAYRIGHT Project started with 27 volunteers and $40,000.
  • Mini-Grants: $5,000 to DARE Programs Canton & Jackson, Wm. McKinley Mental Health Center, YWCA Early Childhood Learning Center, Woman to Woman Mastectomy Support Group, Alliance GRADS Toy Lending Library, North Canton Playhouse, Lathrop School, Great Trail Girl Scouts.
  • Family Friends, Directory of Senior Services, Peer Listening Projects.
  • SPAC again published Children’s Defense Fund Booklet.
  • Merry Makers “Sword in the Stone” attended by 1800 children.
  • Public Affairs sponsored a Legislative Reception.
  • Holiday Gala generated $62,735.85.
  • Children’s Holiday entertained 1,814 federally funded preschoolers.
  • Provisionals developed Career Clothes Closet for Pyramid Career Services.
  • Voted to renew PLAYRIGHT project, 29 volunteers and $27,000.
  • $5,000 in Mini-grants given to 5 agencies: Canton Civic Opera, YWCA Early Childhood Center, Stark County School District Early Childhood Division, Mother Mentor and Visible House.
  • Merry Makers presented “Oh, Jack!” to 2,264 area school children.
  • The Senior Services Directory project was completed and free copies distributed throughout the community.
  • Received the Chamber of Commerce’s “Award of Appreciation”.
  • Holiday Gala generated an unprecedented $100,000.
  • Children’s Holiday was held on two days-Day One for federally funded preschools and Day Two for private/parochial preschools. Over $2,000 was raised and over 2,000 children were entertained.
  • Community Council participated in Community Christmas, Blood Program, establishing a library for O.B.E.S. Center, collecting donations for Rape Crisis Center, and other “Done-In-A-Day” projects.
  • Provisional Project was revamping Harmony House, a facility where parents whose children had been removed from the home could visit their children.
  • PLAYRIGHT in full implementation with sites at Pleasant View School for the Arts, Head Start and Lathrop Schools.
  • $2,000 in Mini-Grants were awarded to two agencies: Angel Plane of Ohio and Natural Communications.
  • Art Auction held at Shady Hollow and netted over $3,000.
  • Mayor Richard D. Watkins issued a Proclamation to The Junior League of Stark County for Outstanding Volunteer Service as did the Hon. J. Kirk Schuring, State Representative, 50th District.
  • Merry Makers presented “Alice in Wonderland” on April 25 to over 2,500 area school children.
  • The first-ever community newsletter entitled the Junior League Community Newsline was published.
  • First PLAYRIGHT Signature Teacher Workshop held.
  • Children’s Holiday held on two days for federally funded preschools, and private, public and parochial schools. Over $5,406 was raised and over 2,000 attended.
  • Holiday Gala celebrated its tenth anniversary and generated $86,000 at the Canton Civic Center.
  • An experimental project called “The Country Store” was developed by two new actives to generate revenues for the League. It provided bake goods and specialty items for sale at membership meetings from January through May.
  • Four Mini-grants awarded. $1,664 that had been specified earlier for a program dealing with learning disabilities awarded to Pegasus Farm. $3,500 divided among three agencies: Domestic Violence Project, Multi-County Juvenile Attention Ctr. & Habitat for Humanity.
  • Done-In-A-Day Committee solicited donations at membership meetings for items to be donated to the Domestic Violence Project.
  • Done-In-A-Day Committee held Day Out Project for Domestic Violence Shelter residents on April 29th.
  • PLAYRIGHT Curriculum in final editing stages and to be submitted to designated publishers nationally by mid-June.
  • Merry Makers presented “The Emperor’s New Clothes” on May 2nd at the Palace Theatre to 760 school-age children.
  • The JC Penney Golden Rule Award for Education Division was awarded to PLAYRIGHT.
  • Mini-Grants were awarded to HUGS, American Red Cross, Rape Crisis Services, Pyramid Career Closet, Canton Community Clinic, and the Great Trail Girl Scout Council.
  • The Done-In-A Day Committee organized a collaborative effort with staff and parents from Lathrop School, along with JLSC members for landscaping of the new playground facility at Lathrop in early fall.
  • Public Affairs presented on May 8, 1996 the unveiling of the Silent Witness Exhibit.
  • Fifty-five teachers have been trained on the PLAYRIGHT philosophy.
  • Children’s Holiday held its two-day event hosting over 2,500 children from area preschools.
  • Holiday Gala celebrated its 11th year of success netting approximately $67,000.00 to be returned to the community.
  • Interest monies from the Helen McGinnis grant were used to purchase new animated figures for Children’s Holiday.
  • Published the PLAYRIGHTsm curriculum. Established PLAYRIGHTsm in the community.
  • Organized a 15 member Board of Directors.
  • Carolee Eldridge hired as Executive Secretary.
  • Dropped upper age requirement of Active members.
  • Refurbished children’s playroom at Quality Time through Summer/Fall Provisional project.
  • Executed twelfth Holiday Gala raising approximately $83,000.
  • Merry Makers presented “Aladdin” at area schools.
  • Children’s Holiday held two morning performances for over 1100 students from area preschools.
  • Awarded five mini grants to area non-profits.
  • Oversaw the Silent Witness Program displayed at approximately 25 sites throughout Stark County.
  • Celebrated 50th Women of the Year Event.
  • Implemented three mini projects including Agape Soup Kitchen, Suitcase Activity and Gibbs Outdoor Learning Center.
  • Celebrated 60th Year at March Membership meeting with 16 past presidents.
  • Second Annual Preschool Screening for 3 and 4-year-old children was conducted in collaboration with the Canton Community Clinic testing over 350 children.
  • First Aid Kits were provided for 16 Stark County preschools.
  • J.R. Coleman Senior Outreach Center was provided with new furnishings in their activity room.
  • Children’s Holiday Committee collected 350 children’s coats for Head Start.
  • Over 2200 preschool children attended Children’s Holiday.
  • Provisional Class conducted a Respiratory Screening Day for 38 families in collaboration with the Canton Community Clinic, the American Lung Association and Aultman Hospital.
  • Holiday Gala, our major fundraiser, raised over $70,000.
  • Helped Gibbs School develop a plan for an Outdoor Learning Center. Donated landscaping materials for this project.
  • Focus on Children (Merry Makers) provided a theatrical performance of Hansel and Gretel for four elementary schools.
  • A total of $12,420 was given in Mini Grants to six local non-profit organizations.
  • Four outstanding community projects were passed. The Domestic Violence Shelter Project, the Teddy Bear Backpack Project, the Prenatal Care and Well Being Project and the Pegasus Farm Project.
  • Three-year Strategic Plan was completed and adopted by the membership.
  • Public Affairs Committee decided through much research to withdrawal from the State Public Affairs Committee.
  • Developed a user-friendly yearbook. For the first time our Sustainers were sent a yearbook free of charge.
  • The headquarters was moved from the McKinley Life Care Center to the Glass Tower in Jackson Township.
  • Designer Showcase debuted as our major fundraiser with over 19 decorators participating in the transformation of the Hoover Historical Center to a Victorian era.
  • Ways & Means generated revenue with the continuation of the Country Store at general membership meetings, and held a Mother-Child Fashion Show and Silent Auction at Brookside Country Club.
  • Three projects were successfully completed: The Teddy Bear Backpack, Pegasus Farm Playroom and the Domestic Violence Project.
  • The Silent Witness Project was formally presented to the Domestic Violence Shelter.
  • Membership participated in mini “Done-in-a-Day” activities immediately following membership meetings by packing Easter Baskets and toiletries for the women and children at the Domestic Violence Shelter.
  • Two community projects were successfully completed: Personal Hygiene Kits and a Baby Safety Shower.
  • A Done in a Day Millennium Project, “Read to Me Project” recruited 2,000 people to read to children on January 22, 2000.
  • A Children’s Holiday program was hosted for children in federally funded preschools.
  • Merry Makers production of “The Golden Goose” was presented to local schools.
  • “An Evening with Paul Harvey” was the major fundraiser.
  • League went online with email.

2000 – 2010

  • Admissions 2000, a class of 22 members, collaborated with Mercy Medical Center to help provide a Secret Safe Place program for newborns.
  • The Community Newsline was published, highlighting the last three years of community projects.
  • Membership voted on Character Development as the Focus Area for 2001-2004.
  • Membership approved four projects centered upon Character Development for the 2001-2002 League year: Habitat for Humanity – “Adopt a Saturday” Program, Character Counts! Speakers’ Bureau, Character Day for Kids, and Character Development Skits.
  • Our community projects assisted the Coleman Family Child Care Center, the Rape Crisis Center, and the YWCA residents. The Stress Reduction Day and Homeless Storage Access Project focused on the YWCA residents.
  • Children’s Holiday was cancelled due to a strike with the Head Start employees.
  • Merry Makers held three performances by the Illusion Factory of Akron of Huck Finn’s Story for Canton City students.
  • We offered the use of credit card payments for anything billed.
  • There was a dues increase as a result of an increase in AJLI’s dues requirements: Actives ($100.00), Provisionals ($100.00), Non-Resident Actives ($70.00), and Sustainers ($70.00).
  • The Cookbook Committee collected over 1,400 recipes, historical data, and photographs for The Junior League of Stark County’s Cookbook.
  • The Mardi Gras Gala’s net profit was over $51,000, which can be attributed to over 200 attendees and donors.
  • Welcomed 12 new members who produced a project in collaboration with Stark County Hunger Task Force.
  • Produced a Character Day for Kids that promoted the six pillars of Character Counts! in a fun, educational fair atmosphere for the “littles” of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program of Massillon.
  • Produced a Character Development Skit written by the Rainbow Repertory and used high school actors that performed for a diverse group of high school drama students. Junior League members facilitated small group discussions after the play.
  • Worked on landscaping a Habitat for Humanity home as an Adopt a Saturday project.
  • Produced a major fundraiser, Mardi Gras Gala.
  • Developed a new strategic plan with help from the membership at the Cottage Meetings, Executive Board Retreat and the Strategic Planning Committee.
  • Personnel policies for the League office were written and approved.
  • In commemorating September 11 with Character Counts! in Stark County, Junior League members ushered and volunteered for the Real Life Heroes event.
  • Fifteen teenage boys in two different Stark County group homes had a Merry Christmas because each boy was presented with a filled stocking and gifts under a Christmas tree.
  • Working with the Pregnancy Support Center of Stark County, the Provisional Class educated a group of women through materials published by respective sources. Topics related to safety, infant/child CPR skills, car seat safety and what to expect with a newborn child.
  • Organizations in Alliance including: the Alliance Domestic Violence Shelter, Anointed Fountain Outreach, Alliance of Churches, Community Services Reading and Math Center and the Alliance YWCA were provided women’s career clothing and gift bags of beauty products.
  • Junior League completed four projects at Hammer & Nails houses including cleaning, painting, safety fixes and providing necessities to the homeowner. Junior League members, their family and friends plus seventy youth volunteers worked on these projects.
  • The cookbook, “Crowd Pleasers” was introduced.
  • “The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. An Introduction” video was produced with help from RPL Television Productions.
  • Helping Hands, newly organized by Leadership Development, helped our members during their times of need.
  • Produced a major fundraiser, Mardi Gras Gala.
  • Established endowment at the Stark Community Foundation, entitled the JLSC Women’s Fund for the Future.
  • Organized a Children’s Holiday – A cultural holiday for 200 children.
  • Prepared and served a chicken dinner to the visitors of the Total Living Center Ministries of Canton and supplied their grocery store with toiletries for children and adults.
  • Provisionals organized an art educational day for seniors at Bethany Nursing Home.
  • Allocated nearly $14,000 toward youth activities focusing on character development. The groups that asked to receive funding for plays, murals, landscape improvements, and school land labs were the Massillon Tiger Keystone Club, PAL Mission, Jackson Alternative Middle School, Hazen Middle School, Souers Middle School, Alliance Middle School Land Lab, and Lehman Middle School.
  • Voted upon Women and Children as our three-year Focus Areas for our 2004-2007.
  • Offered statewide and national training to participants at the Ohio Presidents meeting in Columbus in June, President and President Elect Conference in Seattle in October, Organizational Development Institutional Training in Florida in February, Connect Ohio: Educate and Develop training in April in Columbus as well as AJLI Annual Conference in Chicago.
  • Leadership Development recommended to eliminate an additional 150 volunteer hours annually outside of our JLSC commitment.
  • Raised $68,000 in underwriting for our Gala and netted $54,000.
  • Advertising – 2003 Midwest Regional Tabasco Community Cookbook Award for Crowd Pleasers – Favorite Places and Favorite Flavors.
  • Recruited and welcomed 20 new members.
  • Introduced a new award given to a Provisional member who showed initiative with her class demands and League activities, called the Shooting Star Award.
  • Developed and introduced a new website to act initially as an information tool for our membership.
  • Composed parameters defining the new Resolution Committee.
  • Over $55,000 held in the recently established JLSC Women’s Fund for the Future endowment fund.
  • $52,465 netted by our Major Fundraiser, Around the Nation Holiday Gala.
  • The Major Project was a collaboration with the Massillon Family Living Center to renovate, stock and staff a store for their homeless residents.
  • Recipient of Community Services of Stark County’s Community Service Award for the Massillon Family Living Center project.
  • Initiation of the JLSC web site, www.JLCanton.org.
  • Development of a strategic plan to guide JLSC’s future direction.
  • Hosted the annual Women of the Year event to honor two outstanding community volunteers.
  • Sponsorship of a special luncheon to honor 29 JLSC honorary and emeritus members for over five decades of dedication to our mission.
  • Admissions/Provisional Class provided Productive Parenting Tool Kits to parents and families participating in Goodwill Industries of Greater Stark County Parenting Class.
2005 -2006
  • Completed the first Habitat for Humanity home in Canton that was fully constructed and funded by women in participation with Jackie Gill.
  • Introduced the “Yours for a Year” proposal process for researching and selecting League’s major projects utilizing a mailing list tied to meet community needs as identified by United Way’s Compass report.
  • Participated in two Done-in-a-Day projects: Christmas for Kids provided holiday parties and gifts for area boys’ and girls’ group homes and the Mitchell Family Home Makeover provided our Habitat for Humanity home recipients with furniture needs.
  • Participated in Stark County Hunger Task Force Food Drive.
  • Participated in the first AJLI project, “Kids in the Kitchen” where our provisional class addressed the growing issue of childhood obesity with the Massillon Family Living Center residents.
  • Honored Lynne Dragomier and Nancy Hoover as Women of the Year recipients.
  • Established a weekly e-mail blast for all members.
  • Hired a new administrative assistant for League office.
  • Our Major Project was the construction of the adapted riding course at Pegasus Farms.
  • JLSC was honored as a long time supporter and friend at the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Pegasus Farms.
  • We celebrated our League’s 70th Anniversary and Actives, Sustainers and Provisionals mingled at Glenmoore Country Club for a reminiscent luncheon.
  • Our League hosted C.O.D.E. Day for our Ohio Sister Leagues at the Pro Football Hall of Fame with guest speaker Patricia Martin speaking on Corporate Solicitation Techniques.
  • We participated in two Done-in-a-Day projects with the Canton YWCA and the PAL Mission.
  • We celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the Women of Year.
  • The Major Project was in collaboration with Quest’s Deliverance House. Over several months, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a playroom and a hallway were redesigned and updated for the residents of this alcohol and drug treatment center and over 50 classes were taught to the residents.
  • Received the Group Service Award by the United Way, nominated by Quest Recovery Services.
  • We participated in Five Done in a Day projects including the assembly of holiday packages at the USO, a day spent teaching financial education to local students through a collaboration with Junior Achievement, the updating of the FACES of Stark County facility, the donation of art supplies to St. Luke’s’ Retirement Home and assembly of 110 food bags for distribution through the Stark County Hunger Task Force.
  • The Provisional class planned and executed a project for the pregnant teens at Timken High School – geared towards educating them on nutritious eating for their unborn babies and their newborns.
  • We welcomed a class of 10 Provisionals.
  • Our 61st annual Women of the Year event was held on April 26th at the McKinley Grand Hotel. Linda DeHoff was honored as the Community Award Recipient and Estelle Wilkoff Blau was the President’s Award Winner.
  • We welcomed a new Administrative Assistant, Trinette Cotsmire to our organization.
  • Another very successful Holiday Gala was held in December 2007. Over $35,000 was raised.
  • Reduced our rent by $300.00 a month (to $600) and renewed our lease until August 31, 2011.
  • Reduced yearbook costs by 66% by experimenting with a new format.
  • Began offering paperless (e-mail) Etcetera newsletters in order to cut printing costs.
  • First year using new website designer 2nd Mile Productions.
  • Instituted a new curriculum for the Provisional Class.
  • We welcomed eleven provisional members and revived the Super Saturday training.
  • Major Project, “Moving Forward” matched League members with foster youth who were aging out of the foster care system as well as monthly life skills classes for the youth.
  • Received an $8,000 grant from The Aultman Foundation for our Major Project “Moving Forward.”
  • In October, we were awarded the Quest Volunteer of the Year Award for the Deliverance House project.
  • Received a large corporate gift from Key Bank.
  • Major Fundraiser, Holiday Gala raised $27,000.
  • Reinstituted annual Cottage Meetings at members’ homes in order to hold small group discussions on League issues.
  • Researched changing our organization’s name to The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. in order to increase membership, fundraising and community impact.
  • In order to streamline communications, a new Communications Committee was developed, responsible for internal and external communications.
  • Filled backpacks for foster youth at a Done-in-a-Meeting for children moving to a new foster home.
  • The provisional class participated in AJLI’s Kids in the Kitchen program by teaching children at Belden Elementary School about nutrition and fitness.
  • A DIAD project was held at Pegasus Farm in which we planted a memorial garden in honor of Michael Fierro, a friend of The Junior League of Stark County.
  • Our 62nd Annual Women of the Year event honoring Doris Hershey and Vicki Haines was held at the McKinley Grand Hotel.
  • The Major Project was a food distribution project in which we partnered with Stark County Hunger Task Force to provide senior pantry and backpack programs twice a month for the entire league year.
  • A Done-in-a-Day project was completed in December in which members adopted eight Stark County teens to provide them with holiday gifts.
  • A Done-in-a-Day Project was completed in collaboration with Hammer and Nails in order to help a mother with health problems and her daughter “spruce up” their house.
  • Membership voted on “Childhood Development” as the Focus Area for 2010-2013.
  • The 63rd annual Women of the Year Event was held at the Kent State Stark Professional Building. Darlene Violet received the Community Award, and Lisa Hicklin received the President’s Award.
  • The Junior League received a grant for our Major Project in the amount of $1,000 from the Timken Foundation.
  • Spring Fling – the Major Fundraiser, was a huge success with over $31,000 net profit, including a gift of $2,500 from Key Bank. This exceeded our goal.
  • At the AJLI Fall Conference, the Executive Board of AJLI voted to approve a name change from The Junior League of Canton, Ohio, Inc. to The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc., to be recognized officially at the start of the 2010-2011 League year.

2010 – Present

  • Instituted the name change to The Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc.
  • Changed the website address to www.jlstarkcounty.org.
  • Membership approved a new three year strategic plan.
  • Gala “A Black & White Ball” was held on March 5th at the Great Court of the Cultural Center for the Arts. Financial goals were exceeded with a net profit of over $26,000.
  • The 64th annual Women of the Year event was held on Wednesday, April 13th at Walsh University’s Barrette Center. Pat Fuller received the Community Award and Pat Miller received the President’s Award. For the first time a profit was achieved.
  • The Pathway Prom Project was the Major Project in which League partnered with the social service provider Pathway Caring for Children to host a prom for foster youth. Monthly activity sessions were held leading up to the prom to aid the youth in the development of social skills.
  • The Aultman Foundation awarded a $3,500 grant in support of the Pathway Prom Project.
  • Sustainers provided multiple days of service to the Early Childhood Resource Center.
  • Active members completed a Done-in-a-Day Project at the J.R. Coleman Child Care and Family Center in which the entire facility was deep cleaned during flu season. League also provided art and technology equipment to the Center.
  • Other small community projects included League’s participation in the annual Holiday Open House at the Hoover Historical Center in which League decorated a tree, the gifting of a tree and decorations to a single mother, the coordination of holiday gift giving for young adults who had recently aged out of the foster care system as well as the gathering of holiday gift baskets for the women and children served by the Domestic Violence Project.
  • The 22 members of the Provisional Class completed a “Healthy Kids, Happy Kids” fair at Turnaround Community Outreach for teen moms.
  • JLSC hosted the first ever “Nonprofit Roundtable” gathering leaders from over two dozen nonprofit agencies in Stark County to network and learn about grants.
  • The “etcetera” newsletter and the “Community Newsline” were professionally redesigned.
  • Professional nametags were distributed to all Active members to wear to League events and community events as a way to increase our recognition in the community.
  • Instituted a new member mentoring program within the Admissions Provisional and Leadership Placement Committees to improve membership experience and retention.
  • Initiated a peer mentoring program as well as several social groups for members to participate in outside League including a very popular book club.
  • Changed the Leave of Absence bylaws to streamline the process allowing any member to take a leave of their own determining for any personal or professional reason.
  • Changed accountants to the 415 Group and changed the bylaws to allow for a yearly financial review instead of an annual audit.
  • Commemorated JLSC’s 75th anniversary
  • Received the Robert & Patricia Horowitz Award from the Stark County Prosecuter’s Office for our work with the Children’s Network during our 50th anniversary year.
  • The YWCA Kids Connect Program was the Major Project in which League partnered with the social service provider Canton YWCA. Monthly activity sessions were held, aimed at strengthening bonds between parents and children, educating parents, and providing safe and fun events for both to attend once a month.
  • Coordinated the All-Ohio Food Drive where over 5000 pounds of food were collected by the 8 Ohio Leagues.
  • Held the 65th Women of the Year event at Brookside Country Club, honoring President’s Award winner Heather Fisher and Community Award winner Cynthia Lazor.
  • Held a Done-in-a-Day project at the Alliance for Children and Families shelter in Alliance, where members assisted residents in various art projects, music programs, and fun activities with their children.
  • Developed the potential of women by providing training to members on the topics of leadership development, keeping teams on track, developing key messages, and budgeting basics.
  • The Major Project revolved around the concept of Sensory Rooms.  In the fall of ’12, members visited local rooms and conducted research on what makes a sensory room successful.  Later, League partnered with Solid Rock Therapeutic Riding Center to coordinate a exploratory day, where members helped create tools to be used in Solid Rock’s sensory room.   In May, 2013, a framework/design for a room was provided to Solid Rock, and a roundtable event was held, where community members heard from a panel of experts regarding the need for sensory rooms, and what makes a great one.
  • Held the 66th Women of the Year event at Kent State — Stark, honoring President’s Award winner Barbara Armitage and Community Award winner Lisa Warburton-Gregory.
  • Held a Done-in-a-Day project at the Crisis Intervention and Recovery Center, where members turned the waiting area in to a more child-friendly and welcome spot.
  • Gave back to Stark County by completing upwards of 300 hours of community service, with approximately 80% of Active and Provisional members giving time to the Major Project at the Boys and Girls Club, as well as two Done In A Day opportunities at area schools. Received the Boys and Girls Club’s Helping Hand Award for our work with the “Be Great: Graduate” program. 34 teens participated and were impacted by the guidance of caring and knowledgeable League members, and a plethora of materials were left with the Club that will enable the program to continue in the future.
  • Completed an approved a multi-year bylaw and policy review and restructuring.
  • The Major Fundraiser, Gala: A Night in the Big Apple was an outstanding success. The event featured exciting new live and silent auction items, the highest attendance in years, and netted nearly $45,000.
  • Held the 67th Women of the Year event at Gervasi Vineyard, honoring President’s Award winner Dr. Barbara Fordyce and Community Award winner Vicky Sterling.
  • Welcomed 16 Provisional members, who completed a Done-In-A-Day project at the Alliance for Children and Families.
  • Developed the potential of women by providing trainings on the topics of community impact, food insecurity, mentoring, stress management, teamwork, and board and leadership development.
  • Researched and approved a new 3 year Strategic Plan.
  • Realized a need for updating League’s project selection process, and elected to take 2014 as a planning year, where the process will be scrutinized and overhauled as needed.
  • Gave back to Stark County by completing upwards of 300 hours of community service, with approximately 85% of Active and Provisional members giving time to four Done In A Day Projects; Habitat for Humanity Children’s Library, Cookies and Cocoa with Santa and Mrs. Clause benefitting military families, Night at the Museum benefitting the Girl Scouts, and preparing the community garden at the Martin Center.
  • Approved bylaw and policy changes aimed at increasing transparency
  • The Major Fundraiser, A Red Carpet Gala, was an outstanding success, garnering more than $10k in sponsor dollars
  • Held the 68th Women of the Year event at Brookside Country Club, honoring President’s Award winner Kathleen Prasnal and Community Award winner Dyanna Myers
  • Welcomed 12 Provisional members, who completed a Done-In-A-Day project at the Alliance for Children and Families
  • Developed the potential of women by providing trainings on the topics of leadership, “Moments of Greatness”, diversity and inclusion, and food insecurity
  • Researched and approved a multi-year collaboration with the Martin Center
  • Noted increased Sustainer and Community support
  • Unveiled an initiative aimed at promoting voluntarism amongst our community’s young women: The Junior Leaders Community Service Grant. Awarded two grants totaling $5000.
  • Our members have formed a small grant-writing committee that has had a major impact on The Martin Center (TMC) already this year, in the form of a $25,000 van
  • Provided and served meals twice a month to teens at TMC
  • Researched zoning and other issues regarding the Clifford Compass House shelter for homeless teens
  • Offered financial support for TMC purchasing new windows, fire doors, and a floor cover for the basketball court
  • Volunteered at the Early Childhood Resource Center’s Big, Big, Very Big Toy Box event
  • Handed out Halloween candy at TMC
  • Painted and redecorated Andre’s House – a group home for mentally ill adults
  • Decorated a Christmas tree for the Hoover Historical Society
  • Planned and put on a day of pampering for the mothers at the Pregnancy Support Center
  • Raised approximately $35,000 for future projects at our fundraisers this year with tremendous support from so many of our community partners
  • JLSC helped eight community partners this year, had a fun and successful Gala fundraiser event attended by 175 people
  • Continued to grow with The Martin Center (TMC), and took time to reconnect with members
  • Serving food at The Martin Center and meeting the students that attended each night we served
  • Held a kitchen warming party when the kitchen was complete and we stocked the shelves with kitchen supplies and enjoyed an ice cream social with the students
  • Helped prepare and stuff backpacks with food and hygiene items for the students for Christmas and Spring Break
  • Support TMC including providing funds for kitchen cabinets, basketball supplies, and scholarships for 15 students to participate in the 2017 Martin League who otherwise may not have been able to
  • Members attended formal training provided by JSLC and AJLI, but also learned many skills through leading projects and researching committee needs. This year, we welcomed 11 new Provisional members who researched needs in the community and decided as a group to plan a dance for foster teens at Pathway Caring for Families
  • We also honored two women at our 70th Annual Women of the Year event in May, recognizing the work Marcia K. Zawacky and Connie Rubin have done in the community. And, we continued to encourage community service of young women in the community through our Junior Leaders Community Service Grant
  • Transformation Rollout
  • The Martin Center – serving monthly meals, Trunk or Treat, helped to decorate and provide supplies for the nursery, packing backpacks to provide food. 
  • America Reads / JL book fair with Malone University
  • First Night at the Races Fundraising event
2018 – 2019
  • Partnered with First Tee Canton on Par for the Kitchen and Fit to a Tee
  • Salvation Army kettlebell ringing
  • Night at the Races Fundraiser
2019 – 2020
  • Operation Impact @ Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank
  • Kids in the Kitchen with First Tee Canton
  • Quarter Auction
  • First Little Black Dress Initiative
  • Provided 200 free meals through food distribution sites at The First Tee Canton, The YWCA Canton, and Edward Peel Coleman Center. 
  • Provided 300 toothbrushes to Edward Peel Coleman Community Center
  • Adopted a family of 10 through Community Christmas
  • Virtual Kids in the Kitchen with First Tee of Canton
  • New Mom Self Care Night with Pregnancy Choices 
  • Sustainer Project at Refuge of Hope
  • Second Little Black Dress Initiative (with Wine Tasting and Tea event with over 50 purses donated and filled with personal items)
  • Built 3 Blessing Boxes in collaboration with Stark Blessing Box Initiative
  • Wrap Diapers at the Heart of Ohio Diaper Bank
  • Created the first Stark County street card in collaboration with Stark County Community Action Agency. The Street Card is a pocket-sized resource guide for community resources.
  • Donated funds to Avondale Elementary so each student could have book “The Note Who Faced The Music” at their Literacy and Arts Night.
  • Junior Leader Community Service Grant recipient – to provide a reading and painting activity to four different daycares in Stark County (targeting the age group between 3-5) to give a fun enrichment activity and provide peer to peer interaction. 
  • Junior Leader Community Service Grant recipient – assemble sensory kits to provide support for kids as they move through the foster care system and adoption process at Pathway Caring For Children. The kits will be geared towards kids of different ages (from newborn to 18 years old).
  • Collected over 200 purses, filled with personal care and hygiene items, and distributed to organizations helping women in need. 
  • We awarded three Junior Leader Community Service grants. 
    • Fairless seventh and eighth grade students created a big sister program at their school to mentor fourth and fifth grade students.
    • A student is developing a grandparent project to connect fourth and fifth grade students with nursing home residents.
    • One grant winner created fifty festive teen bundle packages for teen girls for the holiday season.
  • Members provided backpacks with back-to-school essentials to Compassion Foster Closet.
  • Volunteers participated in the North Canton Cares Pantry.  
  • Throughout December 23rd and January 24th members provided meals for students in the after-school drop-in program at Edward “Peel” Coleman Community Center.
  • The 2024 addition of the Stark County street card is being printed. 
  • Partnered with The First Tee of Canton to hold our Kids in the Kitchen Program. 
  • Members are researching and collaborating with other organizations to educate members about human trafficking and exploring where JLSC could be the most helpful.