Women of the Year Applications Open

Categories: Member News,Public News,Uncategorized

Each year, the Junior League of Stark County, Ohio, Inc. accepts nominations for its annual Woman of the Year Community and Woman of the Year President’s awards. This is the seventy-seventh year of honoring women for their outstanding contributions to the community.


Community Award – This award is presented to a woman who has made significant, unique and lasting volunteer contributions in many parts of the greater Stark County community and has acted as a role model of achievement for other women.

President’s Award – This award is presented to a woman who has made significant, unique and lasting volunteer contributions in one area of the greater Stark County community and has acted as a role model of achievement for other women.

— Previous winners and elected officials are not eligible to be nominated —

Submitting Nominations – Please complete the nomination form electronically here describing the nominee’s qualifications and your reasons for making the nomination.  You may also include such items as resumes, vitae, letters of commendation, newspaper articles, list of activities, etc. Please limit the attached materials to no more than 5 pages.

Deadline for Entries: Receipt by Friday October 11, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Please direct any questions to:     

JoAnn Ovnic: [email protected]

The Women of the Year Event will be held Thursday April 10, 2025 at Brookside Country Club.  Invitations will be mailed prior to the event.

A summary of past recipients can be found here

Click HERE for more information about last year’s winners.

The Junior League of Stark County remains committed to acknowledging Leadership. Excellence. Generosity. Commitment to others. These are the qualities we admire in others and strive to embody in our own lives.  

Author: volunteer