All nominations and supporting material must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 11, 2024.

  • Be able to answer the following questions about the nominee:

    1. Has your nominee made an impact in more that one organization over the years? Yes/No

    2. Community Service – List all and level of participation including length of service, leadership/committee participation and the name of the service organization(s). This should be a list, not a narrative.

    3. Impact – What impact or changes has this nominee made in the community. Please use the terms she or her instead of her name.

    4. Leadership – Provide specific examples of how the nominee has demonstrated innovation, initiative, commitment, leadership. Please use the terms she or her instead of her name.

    5. Additional Information (1-5 pages accepted) – Include any additional information you feel is important for consideration of the nominee. Letters of recommendation from other organizations or individuals should use the generic term she or her and not use the nominee’s name so that the judges can be totally objective.
  • Please upload a Word Document or PDF Document with supporting documentation for the nominee.

    Renewal nominations limited to one additional page.

    Drop files here or

    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx.

  • I understand the requirements and guidelines of the Women of the Year Award and I agree that I will follow all such guidelines and requirements.
  • Don’t forget to upload your short answer responses before submitting.